Cybersecurity solutions
for your business

Identity security

Protect against the most common form of cyberattacks by taking an identity-centric approach to cybersecurity. Identity-centric approaches can help strengthen your overall security posture by mitigating the risks of credential-based attacks. They’re also a key component in implementing and other security frameworks.

Our identity and access management solutions can help you centralize your access management and monitoring of user accounts, secure all privileged credentials, monitor and terminate privileged user sessions, enforce MFA and SSO to protect against credential-based attacks, and more.

woman in black top using Surface laptop
woman in black top using Surface laptop
Security information
and event management (SIEM)

Enable your SOC to take a proactive approach to security and give them complete visibility into all your network events. SIEM solutions collect and analyze logs from multiple sources—your endpoints, firewalls, Active Directory, etc.—and correlate and analyze them to detect security incidents in real time.

Our SIEM solution combines threat intelligence with ML-based user and entity behavior analytics and rule-based attack detection to preempt internal threats, data exfiltration, and user account compromises. It enables your SOC to automate incident response, detect and defend against malware, and ensure compliance with data privacy and security regulations (PCI DSS, SOX, HIPAA, and the GDPR).

man in black shirt sitting in front of computer monitor
man in black shirt sitting in front of computer monitor
Network security

Prevent network downtime and ensure quick recovery in the event of a network disaster. Networks are the backbone of your organization’s IT. Network security tools help ensure that your network remains up and secure against cyberthreats.

Our network security solutions enable your team to monitor and address an ever-expanding matrix of users, devices, and applications. They can automate network backups to ensure disaster recovery, analyze network traffic to detect unauthorized devices or security threats, detect and fix misconfigurations, and more.

Data security

Data is the new gold, and you need to secure it accordingly. Data security solutions are vital to ensure your data—be it customer personally identifiable information (PII), payment card information (PCI), intellectual property, or other confidential information—stays safe at rest, in use, and in motion.

Our data security solutions provide your SOC with complete visibility into data stored across your network. They can discover and secure files containing sensitive information; monitor all critical files, folders, and shares in real time; and prevent data leaks. They can also detect ransomware attacks in real time and automatically take action to prevent them from spreading to other endpoints.

closeup photo of turned-on blue and white laptop computer
closeup photo of turned-on blue and white laptop computer
Matrix movie still
Matrix movie still